Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I haven't disappeared...

But I AM very busy :-)

In exactly one week I leave for the Bahamas where I will spend some time providing training and consultancy (along with a colleague) to a new client. It sounds lovely doesn't it - unfortunately it is very unlikely that I will get much time to do anything but work and when I do have some down time, most of it will be taken up by the heartache of not being able to share it with all the men in my life.

I have managed to arrange it so that I am there over a week-end and am going to try and go diving (I haven't been for years and was really annoyed that I didn't get the chance when I was there in January) and do some decent sight seeing. Last time I spent all my time on Nassau but I would like to see something of the other islands so please let me know if you have any recommendations?

Other stuff will follow (an update on potty training, bunnygate and the glorious nature of outdoor cooking) but for now, work beckons and there is a LOT of it!



Anonymous said...

Good luck with the workload! I wish you a safe trip and Hope its not all work and no play! oh oh and try to bring the sunshine home with you, we could always use a little extra over here :-)

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

have a great time Amy ...can't wait to hear about the PT tales.